Andreas Berger

Phone: +49 (0)881 924 973 11
Sector expertise: Consumer Goods, Digital and Online Business, Retail and Services
Functional expertise: Marketing & Sales
Specialist expertise: Suitability Diagnostics& Management Assessment, Management Audit


Andreas Berger works as a partner primarily in the competence centres Consumer Goods, Retail and Services as well as Digital and Online Business.

On a functional level, his clients appreciate him as a generalist who delivers convincing results across all functions and levels. As a marketing professional of many years' standing, he naturally feels particularly comfortable in the marketing and sales environment, but also appreciates all other functional areas. In addition to classic headhunting, Andreas Berger is interested in aptitude diagnostics and has participated in management audits in the retail sector for Senator.

Andreas Berger studied business administration with a focus on trade and industry at the renowned Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. After successfully graduating with a degree in business administration, he started his professional life in the international sporting goods industry.

The change to the clothing and branded goods industry was followed by intensive years in marketing and product management, which were characterised by successful product launches, high-turnover point of sales campaigns and award-winning advertising campaigns. Responsibility for the marketing of a fashion chain brought with it not only sound retail know-how but also experience in construction and shopfitting. With his own online shop, he was able to actively experience the beginnings of e-commerce.

After the turn of the millennium, Andreas Berger decided to bring his interest in people and his entrepreneurial spirit to bear as a management consultant. After a successful decade in two renowned executive search consultancies, he found the ideal basis for his consulting work at SENATOR in 2015.

Today, Andreas Berger mainly advises medium-sized clients from the branded goods and lifestyle-driven manufacturer and retail environment as well as industry-related service providers up to construction planning. In addition, he supports companies that are adapting their business models and corporate culture to the requirements of the digital and networked world.

With many years of experience, competence, empathy and perseverance, he accompanies clients and candidates on the often challenging path of reconciling their requirements, needs and wishes. As a result, trusting relationships have developed over the years, through which candidates have sometimes become clients and former clients have become candidates.

Andreas Berger is a member of the BDU, the Federal Association of German Management Consultancies.

Mr. Andreas Berger has recently accompanied and successfully filled the following positions within the scope of exclusive advisory mandates:

  • Management Marketing and Sales
  • Head of International Sales
  • Country Manager Sales
  • Key Account Manager
  • Logistics management
  • Market management / branch management
  • Purchasing Management
  • Sourcing Manager
  • Head of Merchandise Planning
  • Head of Personnel and Organisation
  • Head of Finance and Controlling
  • CFO
  • Head of Software Development
  • Head of Technical Product Data Management
  • Senior Online Marketing Manager
  • Business Developer Marketplace
  • Head of Social Content
  • Head of Institute for Environmental Protection and Building Physics

Many positions were filled several times in different sectors.

Further reference projects are available on request.

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