The market for imaging products is still under strong pressure to change. Whether in capturing, output or information processing, technologies are changing rapidly in all areas. This is changing potential products and behaviour in both professional and private use. The expansion of the market towards industrial applications, from sensor technology in self-driving cars (autonomous driving) to applications in the area of "Industry 4.0", is also bringing about strong changes. Manufacturers, dealers, resellers and service providers have to keep adapting to this.

This dynamic and partly disruptive development increases the complexity of the respective tasks enormously. What is required are specialists and managers with excellent industry knowledge, digital solution competence and the willingness to constantly change.

In our Photo & Imaging Competence Centre, we accompany you holistically in the search and selection of suitable candidates. We know your industry, often from our own management experience. We help you to set the right priorities with the right employees in your company. Benefit from our competence and our network.

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