With the help of aptitude diagnostic procedures, the individual strengths of a candidate can be precisely determined and the future career path can be optimally aligned to them. Often, job seekers are not even aware of where exactly their competences and...
Engineer remains engineer (1)
Due to the numerous appointments in technical and engineering-specific areas, the need arose for an aptitude diagnosis that is primarily tailored to engineers. As a result of years of successful cooperation between HR Consult...
Compliance management
REQUIREMENTS FOR CORPORATE MANAGEMENT WHEN ESTABLISHING A COMPLIANCE FUNCTION A question that arises again and again in corporate practice is that of the scope of discretion in the establishment and operation of a compliance management system. Here it is...
International Manager - Master of the intercultural challenge
They are coordinators, communicators, problem solvers and (at best) interculturally competent: international managers. More and more often, cross-border tasks of internationally operating companies are assigned to them in order to cope with the increasing management complexity....
Personnel consultancies as important and fair partners
The cooperation with personnel consultancies is appreciated by candidates and rated positively overall. This assumption was confirmed by the HR experts of HR Consult Group AG in a recent survey. For the survey, 518,653 candidates who...
Regular contact - The non plus ultra for personnel consultancies (1)
What was previously only an assumption has now been confirmed by our candidates in an extensive survey: They rate the cooperation with recruitment consultancies positively overall and especially appreciate the consulting services. For our current survey, we have...
Regular contact - the non plus ultra for personnel consultancies (Part 2)
What was previously only an assumption has now been confirmed by our candidates in an extensive survey: They rate the cooperation with recruitment consultancies positively overall and especially appreciate the consulting services. For our current survey, we have...
Seriousness is the key to more candidates
The search for a new job is always an upheaval in life. Some candidates look forward to the new stage with joy, others with mixed feelings. A trusting relationship and a close personal bond with one's recruiter is therefore a...
Candidates have great interest in an aptitude diagnostic procedure
Knowing your own strengths and having concrete ideas about where you want to go professionally - for many job seekers this is often more of a wish than a reality. In order to individually identify the candidate's strengths and weaknesses, wishes and perspectives together with...