Udo Brauer

Phone: +49 (0) 871 430 888 66
Email: u.brauer@senator-partners.de
Industry expertise: Plant engineering,automotive trade, defense and aerospace
Special expertise: aptitude diagnostics & management assessment

Udo Brauer began his professional career in the sales department of a German premium car manufacturer. The stages led him through various management functions in sales and marketing to tasks as regional and branch manager of a wide variety of plant and company locations.

After more than 22 years in industry, he moved into HR consulting in 2004, first as a senior consultant and then as branch manager and managing director.

At SENATOR, he has been supporting primarily medium-sized companies in the fields of mechanical and plant engineering, automotive, defence and aerospace as well as the automotive trade in filling specialist and management positions since 2008.

He also specialises in management audits, organisational development and aptitude diagnostics.

He is characterised not only by his detailed, systematic way of working, but also by his intensive communication with customers and employees and his high level of service and customer orientation.

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