Peter Schönberger

Peter Schönberger

Schönberger Personnel Consultant

Phone: +49 (0) 17647539309
Industry expertise: eHealth, medical technology, sports
Functional expertise: Legal & Compliance
Specialist expertise: aptitude diagnostics & management assessment



Peter Schönberger studied law in Munich and worked as a lawyer in renowned law firms until he took over the legal department of an eHealth group in 2006. During this time, he accompanied the company's development into a Tecdax group, particularly in the context of inorganic growth and in his role as a key player in the German telematics infrastructure.

In 2011, Peter Schönberger took over responsibility for the Group's global HR department. In particular, he was responsible for the international harmonization of the national companies, digitalization, management support and the development of a company health management system.

In 2014, Mr. Schönberger left the company and moved to the management of a professional sports club, which the founder of the Group had previously taken over through Mr. Schönberger's mediation. As Managing Director, he reached the final of the German Ice Hockey League twice with the Cologne Sharks and was also represented on the league's legal and economic committee.

Seit 2019 ist Peter Schönberger in der Personalberatung tätig und bringt seine Kompetenzen aus seiner langjährigen unternehmerischen Tätigkeit ein. Er verfügt über fundierte Kenntnisse in der IT und insbesondere im Bereich der Telematikinfrastruktur. Peter Schönberger ist nach wie vor als Rechtsanwalt zugelassen und kann Kandidaten für juristische Positionen „von Kollege zu Kollege“ ansprechen. Ebenso findet er durch seine Führungstätigkeit im Personalbereich schnell eine gute Erfahrungsebene mit HR-Verantwortlichen.

Peter Schönberger has also completed a LUXXprofile Master training course. Mr. Schönberger uses the intrinsic analysis method LUXXprofile to analyse candidates in the final selection process as well as existing company managers in order to increase the accuracy of fit between position and candidate or manager. His intrinsic training also regularly helps him to assess candidates well in terms of their drivers.



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