Would you like to receive regular information from us about interesting job offers? This is one of the questions the HR experts of HR Consult Group AG wanted to know in a survey with more than 10,000 responses. The aim of the study is to capture the needs and wishes of candidates and to gain an insight into their opinion of the service and image of personnel consultancies.

At 49 per cent, just under half of the respondents want to receive information about current and suitable job offers once a month. 38 percent of the candidates, and thus more than a third, even prefer weekly information.

This shows that even candidates who have not currently applied for a specific position would like to be permanently informed about new job offers. With a total of 87 percent, the offer therefore meets with broad approval in the target group. Only 13 percent reject this service.

"The candidates' great need for information clearly shows how important it is for recruitment consultancies to offer a good service. It is important to strike the right balance: if candidates receive information too frequently, they can quickly feel pressured or harassed. If, on the other hand, they hear too little from their recruitment agency, this can quickly be interpreted as poor service. The recruiter should therefore discuss with each candidate individually their information needs and also the desired type and delivery of information in advance. This creates a pleasant and profitable cooperation for both sides," explains Dr. Armin Betz.

About the author

Dr. Armin Betz

After graduating as an automotive engineer and industrial engineer, he began his career in the automotive industry in the areas of sales, development and marketing and also spent a year in Japan with one of the largest automotive suppliers.

He then moved to a world-renowned premium car manufacturer, where he was responsible for product marketing in Japan and South America and marketing strategy in North and South America.

In 1994 he decided to become self-employed and founded a personnel consultancy in Munich, where he has been driving development and expansion for over 20 years. As managing director, his industry focus is naturally on the automotive world as well as mechanical and plant engineering.

With his doctorate in the field of aptitude diagnostics, he ideally rounds off his fields of competence, especially with regard to personnel and management consultancy. The dissertation deals with the identification and proof of typical personality traits of engineers as well as the definition of development areas for a successful professional career.

These are scientifically derived and presented in the book "Eignungsdiagnostik im Praxiseinsatz".

At the same time, his focus is on building networks and cooperation models as well as the continuous further development of systems and processes in HR consulting.

Within the last 20 years in personnel consulting, he has developed several brands that are still successful on the market today.

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