In addition to the professional qualifications, the so-called "hard facts", the "soft skills" also play an important role for sustainable staffing in the company. These are secured by scientifically based aptitude diagnostics, which is a focal point at HR Consult Group AG. But when and where did aptitude diagnostics actually start? How did it develop?

In world history, many references can be found to earlier pioneers of aptitude testing. One example is ancient China. There, high public officials were selected using a standardised selection procedure. Applicants had to perform five arts and also demonstrate knowledge of rites and public ceremonies. The examinations were of a very high standard, so that the proportion of applicants who were finally accepted was extremely low.

Source: Wikipedia(SONGDYNASTIE.JPG).

Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911) from England goes down in the history of aptitude testing as one of the most important pioneers. He made a name for himself because of his versatility in various disciplines. These included differential psychology, of which Galton was a co-founder. This deals with the differences between individuals in terms of psychological characteristics and states. For this purpose, he developed test procedures that could record psychological characteristics. He strove to quantify the characteristics as accurately as possible and dealt with both intellectual abilities and personality traits. In doing so, he always had his goal, the improvement of the human race, in mind.

He also developed the principle, still used today, of describing people by the deviation of their "measured value" from the mean value of a comparison group.

Since 1884, interested people could have their psychological characteristics tested by him in London. Characteristic of aptitude diagnostics were basic traits such as behavioural observation during the solution of difficult tasks and the recording of self-image and the image of others.

The first procedures of standardised personality diagnostics existed at the beginning of the 20th century through empirical psychological approaches. This was followed by an increase in standardisation and systematisation. Mainly, these early personality tests were used to distinguish adaptable and functional people from those with deviant behaviour.


The first personality tests of American origin were intended for use in military psychological examinations or for questions in clinical psychology. To a large extent, they covered constructs of psychology. 

From 1920 onwards, there was the first development of occupation-related procedures. These already dealt with mental characteristics. They were already used to determine aptitude for a particular profession or to predict professional success. The first significant test of this kind was developed at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh. This test was based on about 1,000 questions on various professional interests, which still serve as a source for new procedures today.

The use of clinically oriented personality tests for military questions was already successful, which led to the development of tests for psychopathological disorders (pathologically altered consciousness, memory and emotional or mental life). The MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) was specially constructed for this purpose. With the California Psychological Inventory (CPI), a procedure was finally presented that was closely based on the MMPI, but was primarily used for the selection of managers.

Our next contribution in this series of topics deals with the further course of history up to the present day.

If you have any further suggestions or questions on this topic, please feel free to contact us at the e-mail address 

About the author

Dr Armin Betz

After graduating as an automotive engineer and industrial engineer, he began his career in the automotive industry in the areas of sales, development and marketing and also spent a year in Japan with one of the largest automotive suppliers.

He then moved to a world-renowned premium car manufacturer, where he was responsible for product marketing in Japan and South America and marketing strategy in North and South America.

In 1994 he decided to become self-employed and founded a personnel consultancy in Munich, where he has been driving development and expansion for over 20 years. As managing director, his industry focus is naturally on the automotive world as well as mechanical and plant engineering.

With his doctorate in the field of aptitude diagnostics, he ideally rounds off his fields of competence, especially with regard to personnel and management consultancy. The dissertation deals with the identification and proof of typical personality traits of engineers as well as the definition of development areas for a successful professional career.

These are scientifically derived and presented in the book "Eignungsdiagnostik im Praxiseinsatz".

At the same time, his focus is on building networks and cooperation models as well as the continuous further development of systems and processes in HR consulting.

Within the last 20 years in personnel consulting, he has developed several brands that are still successful on the market today.

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