Matthias König

Matthias König


Phone: +49 89 41 41 97-77
Special expertise: Strategy and organizational development




Matthias König has more than 25 years of experience as a managing director and CEO in the manufacturing industry. He has gained extensive knowledge and experience in the management of business development, performance improvement and turnaround processes, which he has successfully applied. During this time, he made several significant contributions to increasing value and securing the company's existence. He has been the owner of the consulting boutique prodatio consulting for more than 10 years.

He gained experience in corporations with a family background, in public companies and in portfolio companies of private equity firms. He was involved in several M&A projects. In addition to developing and implementing new strategies for markets, products, technologies and locations, the focus was always on securing financing. Using organizational development tools, the strategies developed and the results of change processes were consolidated and permanently anchored in the companies.

In his operational activities, he gained extensive experience in sales with national and international key accounts as well as in strategic and operational marketing. The process-related and structural redesign of complex production facilities with wood, glass, steel, aluminum, plastic or concrete processing technologies was often an important basis for success.

Since 2010, Mr. König has been dealing with all issues relating to sustainability in the construction industry.

Mr. König has a degree in economics and business informatics and has studied business administration, marketing, corporate management and controlling while working. He is a certified sustainability manager.

In addition to his consulting activities, he is active as an advisory board member and regularly publishes in specialist media on current management issues. As a business angel, he supports young founders in the realization of their business ideas.




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