
Agribusiness is currently undergoing major change, accelerated by digitalisation, changing social demands (nutrition, sustainability, environmental protection, decarbonisation, climate protection) and intense price competition with increasing internationalisation of the markets. At the same time, new companies with innovative business models (mostly AgTech and start-up companies) are increasingly entering the market and fundamentally changing the value chains of agribusiness, sometimes in a highly disruptive way.

In the future, large, capital-intensive and economically organised agricultural companies using the latest technology will increasingly shape the sector. This structural change in agriculture is also changing the upstream and downstream sectors, such as agricultural machinery manufacturers, input manufacturers, agricultural trade, animal husbandry and service providers.

New technologies in larger operating units increasingly demand high professional and entrepreneurial qualifications. Under these changed conditions, company employees will be the most important, strategic competitive factor for corporate success in the future.

In the AGRIBUSINESS Competence Centre, we accompany you in the increasingly difficult process of filling positions with highly specialised specialists and managers.

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