Dr Andreas Dubois

Dr Andreas Dubois

Phone: +49 (0) 33731 320 160
E-mail: a.dubois@senator-partners.de
Industry expertise: Agribusiness, Renewable Energies / Energy Industry, Mechanical Engineering

Functional competencies: Research and development, production, marketing & sales



After studying mechanical engineering in Eastern Europe and completing his doctorate at a leading research institute in Germany, specializing in agricultural engineering, Andreas Dubois spent his entire professional life in management positions in medium-sized agribusiness, where he was responsible for finance, operations/production, HR and IT.

In his more than 25 years of board and management activities, he gained cross-industry expertise in the fields of agriculture, construction machinery, agricultural technology and renewable energies. His work focused on managing, optimizing and developing business areas and companies, implementing growth strategies and shaping M&A processes in various phases of the company. New technologies, e.g. in smart and precision farming, RFID or farm management and CRM systems, as well as innovative solutions such as automated process control systems, played a central role in each case.

Andreas Dubois is our partner not only in Germany, but also has excellent contacts and networks in Eastern Europe and advises clients from the AGRIBUSINESS sector with a particular focus on agricultural technology (AgTech and start-up companies), ENGINEERING with a focus on agricultural and construction machinery, and ENERGY ECONOMY / RENEWABLE ENERGIES with a particular specialization in Power to X.

In these industries, he specializes in filling technical and commercial management positions at levels 1 and 2, as well as positions for highly specialized professionals, e.g. in R&D.
Andreas Dubois' clients include cross-sector companies from the fields of automation and electrical engineering, mechanical and plant engineering, research & development with engineering, trade & services, and private equity.
His clients particularly appreciate the systematic approach and rapid implementation competence of his mandates with a high level of commitment.

His motto in life and work is best described by a Hermann Hesse quote: "In order for the possible to come into being, the impossible must be attempted again and again".


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Michael Miebach

Michael Miebach

Michael Miebach Personnel Consultant

Mobile: +49 173 69 45 183

Phone: +49 9421 969 35 10
E-mail: m.miebach@senator-partners.de
Industry expertise: Foundry, mechanical engineering, plastics technology
Functional expertise: Production





Senator Partner is pleased to announce the addition of Michael Miebach to the team. As an expert in the fields of foundry, mechanical engineering and plastics technology, his in-depth specialist knowledge significantly expands the potential of our group.

With over three decades of professional experience in leading positions in mechanical engineering and in the automotive supply industry (foundry and plastics technology), Michael Miebach has a deep understanding of the current challenges facing the industries.

In his career as managing director and plant manager, he has successfully managed industrial companies. A key component of his success was the intelligent selection of management personnel, who contributed significantly to the company's success.

With an extensive network of more than 30 years of national and international experience, Michael Miebach as SENATOR Partner ensures that management positions in medium-sized companies are optimally filled.

His goal-oriented, communicatively adept approach and systematic way of working are appreciated by candidates and clients alike.

Michael Miebach ensures that you receive exactly the right candidates for your vacancy who will enrich your corporate culture and contribute to growth.

His motto: Clear goals are the guide to ultimate success.




Mr. Michael Miebach has recently accompanied and successfully filled the following positions within the scope of exclusive consulting mandates:

  • Managing Director
  • Plant manager
  • Head of Business Operations
  • Production Manager
  • Head of Production Planning and Logistics
  • Head of Process Management
  • Head of Project Management
  • Head of HSE (Environment and Occupational Safety)
  • Head of Finance and Controlling
  • Sales Manager
  • Head of Product Development

Many positions were filled several times in different sectors.

Further reference projects are available on request.

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André Butzlaff

André Butzlaff

André Butzlaff

Telefon: +49 151 15 330 921
E-Mail: a.butzlaff@senator-partners.de
Branchenkompetenzen: Erneuerbare Energien / Energiewirtschaft, Automobilhandel, Bau/TGA/FM

Funktionskompetenzen: Finance & Accounting, Marketing & Vertrieb
Spezialkompetenz: Eignungsdiagnostik & Management-Assessment



André Butzlaff ist selbständiger Partner bei Senator Executive Search Partners und in dieser Funktion Spezialist für Energiewirtschaft und erneuerbare Energien, Automobilhandel sowie Bau und Immobilien. Er studierte Betriebswirtschaft und unterstützt als Personalberater und Headhunter seit 29 Jahren erfolgreich zahlreiche Unternehmen bei der Personalsuche, Personalauswahl und Mitarbeitergewinnung.

Bei seiner Arbeit setzt er den Schwerpunkt auf absolutes Vertrauen und ethisch korrektes Verhalten. Ein enger Kontakt zu den potenziellen Kandidaten ist für ihn ebenso wichtig, wie eine sehr intensive Kundenbindung. Dieses Verhalten sichert den langfristigen Erfolg der beauftragten Stellenbesetzungen/Suchmandate.


Motto: „Die tatsächliche Existenz Ihres Unternehmens liegt nicht in der Fabrik, der Fassade des Geschäfts, den rationellen Produktionsmethoden oder der Ausstattung mit EDV, sondern in den Herzen und Hirnen seiner Mitarbeiter.“

(William A. Band)

Folgende Positionen hat Herr André Butzlaff zuletzt begleitet und im Rahmen von exklusiven Beratungsmandaten erfolgreich besetzt:

  • Geschäftsführung Unternehmensgruppe bis 1000 Mitarbeiter (CEO)
  • Geschäftsleitung Unternehmensgruppe bis 1000 Mitarbeiter (COO, CFO)
  • Bereichsleitung Konzernentwicklung
  • Bereichsleitung M&A
  • Bereichsleitung Marktkommunikation
  • Filialleitung
  • Branch management
  • Head of Finance and Accounting
  • Head of Controlling
  • IT management
  • Leitung Unternehmenskommunikation / PR
  • Production management
  • Leitung After Sales
  • Leitung Vertrieb Neuwagen
  • Leitung Vertrieb Gebrauchtwagen
  • Service line
  • Leitung Lager und Teiledienst
  • Projekt- und Bauleitung

Many positions were filled several times in different sectors.

Further reference projects are available on request.

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