succession planning


Based on our comparative selection process, we fill more than 1,000 management positions per year - even in corona times. The experience gained from each individual placement, accompanied by our intelligent AI, flows into our dynamic, continuous improvement process in order to become even better in the future. In doing so, we always accompany the candidates and the companies beyond the hiring process as part of the onboarding process. After more than 23,000 successful placements, we always know what happens after the recruitment.

The effective support of a succession process is similar to finding suitable managers for executive positions. In both cases, we find and deliver "perfect-fit" candidates for you, figuratively speaking, a tailor-made suit as you would like it.



Possibilities of a company succession

1. family internal succession

a) Transfer of shares within the family

b) Foundation solution

2. succession within the company

a) Management Buy Out (MBO):
internal manager takes over

b) Admission of a co-shareholder

3. succession outside the company

a) Management Buy In (MBI):
external manager takes over

b) Sale to financial investor, competitor, supplier or similar.

We often find the following structures and challenges:

In the area of family-internal succession arrangements,

    • that the successors pursue different life concepts than the previous entrepreneurs (parents) had.
    • that the successors have other competences / interests, some of which differ considerably from the previous entrepreneurs.
    • that the market has changed and new complementary competences are needed that are not yet present in the company.
    • that the potential successors are still too young and a handover only seems possible in five to ten years.


In the area of internal company succession arrangements

    • the existing managers alone are not trusted to lead the company successfully into the future.
    • the existing managers almost always pursue their own goals, e.g. to achieve a higher position from the successor project.
    • new co-partners must be found and evaluated.


In the area of external succession planning

    • The new manager is not yet familiar with the company and, after joining, finds that there are significantly more and new, unknown problems.
    • The powers to act were not formulated precisely enough, the new manager can decide less than was previously discussed.
    • The onboarding process runs below the possibilities.
    • The existing managers were not involved in the selection process and do not give enough support to the "new guy".


Together with you

Together with you, we formulate the required profile very precisely and, with our experienced search and the most modern digital search algorithms, find the most suitable applicants for you from several hundred candidates. Of course, you decide who suits you best. We are happy to accompany the onboarding of the new manager during the first year.
Our success proves us right: the length of stay of the managers we place is approx. 40 % higher than the industry average.


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