Udo Brauer

Udo Brauer

Phone: +49 (0) 871 430 888 66
Email: u.brauer@senator-partners.de
Industry expertise: Plant engineering,automotive trade, defense and aerospace
Special expertise: aptitude diagnostics & management assessment

Udo Brauer began his professional career in the sales department of a German premium car manufacturer. The stages led him through various management functions in sales and marketing to tasks as regional and branch manager of a wide variety of plant and company locations.

After more than 22 years in industry, he moved into HR consulting in 2004, first as a senior consultant and then as branch manager and managing director.

At SENATOR, he has been supporting primarily medium-sized companies in the fields of mechanical and plant engineering, automotive, defence and aerospace as well as the automotive trade in filling specialist and management positions since 2008.

He also specialises in management audits, organisational development and aptitude diagnostics.

He is characterised not only by his detailed, systematic way of working, but also by his intensive communication with customers and employees and his high level of service and customer orientation.

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Klaus-Dieter Wühst

Klaus-Dieter Wühst

Telefon: +49 (0) 174 9917502
E-Mail: k.wuehst@senator-partners.de
Branchenkompetenzen: Automobilhandel, Maschinenbau
Spezialkompetenzen: Unternehmensnachfolge


Mr Wühst is a partner in our Competence Centre Automotive Trade and our specialist for sustainable business successions.

He learned the business of car sales from the bottom up, so to speak. He quickly developed his career from car salesman, commercial vehicle salesman, bulk buyer, sales manager and service manager to managing director.

He has successfully managed car dealerships and car dealership groups with up to 4,000 units per year for more than 27 years and knows the challenges of German dealerships and importers.

He uses his successful degree in psychology for careful candidate selection, aptitude testing and accompaniment into the new company. "Nevertheless, I have always worked successfully with personnel consultants during my operational management, because it is about finding not only good, but the right employees quickly. So I know both sides of the business."

In addition, Mr Wühst worked for many years as an honorary lecturer in business administration at the Federal College for Business Administration in the Motor Trade (BFC) in Northeim.

There he has given several seminars and projects on this area and has already successfully filled several corporate successions at Senator-Partners. Mr Wühst works closely with the Kassel Chamber of Industry and Commerce to offer clients comprehensive support.



Mr. Klaus-Dieter Wühst has recently accompanied the following positions with his team and successfully filled them within the scope of exclusive consulting mandates:

  • Sales Manager Used Cars Car Dealer Group (m/f/d)
  • Sales Manager New Cars Premium Car Dealership Group (m/f/d)
  • Managing Director Car Dealership Group (m/f/d)
  • Finance Manager Car Dealership (m/f/d)
  • Sales Manager Ferrari (m/f/d)
  • Service consultant car dealership truck (m/f/d)
  • Commercial vehicle salesman car dealership truck (m/f/d)
  • CTO - IT Manager Car Dealership Group (m/f/d)
  • Commercial vehicle salesman car dealer group (m/f/d)
  • Service Manager Car Dealer Group Truck (m/f/d)
  • Human Resources Manager Premium Car Dealership Group (m/f/d)
  • Sales Manager Motorcycle Car Dealership Group (m/f/d)
  • Parts Service Manager Car Dealer Group Truck (m/f/d)
  • Commercial Manager Car Dealership (m/f/d)
  • Sales Manager Used Cars (m/f/d)
  • Branch Manager Premium Car Dealership Group (m/f/d)
  • Operations Manager Branch Manager Car Dealer Group Truck (m/f/d)
  • Commercial Manager Truck Workshop Group (m/f/d)

Many positions were filled several times in different sectors.

Further reference projects are available on request.

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André Butzlaff

André Butzlaff

André Butzlaff

Telefon: +49 151 15 330 921
E-Mail: a.butzlaff@senator-partners.de
Branchenkompetenzen: Erneuerbare Energien / Energiewirtschaft, Automobilhandel, Bau/TGA/FM

Funktionskompetenzen: Finance & Accounting, Marketing & Vertrieb
Spezialkompetenz: Eignungsdiagnostik & Management-Assessment



André Butzlaff ist selbständiger Partner bei Senator Executive Search Partners und in dieser Funktion Spezialist für Energiewirtschaft und erneuerbare Energien, Automobilhandel sowie Bau und Immobilien. Er studierte Betriebswirtschaft und unterstützt als Personalberater und Headhunter seit 29 Jahren erfolgreich zahlreiche Unternehmen bei der Personalsuche, Personalauswahl und Mitarbeitergewinnung.

Bei seiner Arbeit setzt er den Schwerpunkt auf absolutes Vertrauen und ethisch korrektes Verhalten. Ein enger Kontakt zu den potenziellen Kandidaten ist für ihn ebenso wichtig, wie eine sehr intensive Kundenbindung. Dieses Verhalten sichert den langfristigen Erfolg der beauftragten Stellenbesetzungen/Suchmandate.


Motto: „Die tatsächliche Existenz Ihres Unternehmens liegt nicht in der Fabrik, der Fassade des Geschäfts, den rationellen Produktionsmethoden oder der Ausstattung mit EDV, sondern in den Herzen und Hirnen seiner Mitarbeiter.“

(William A. Band)

Folgende Positionen hat Herr André Butzlaff zuletzt begleitet und im Rahmen von exklusiven Beratungsmandaten erfolgreich besetzt:

  • Geschäftsführung Unternehmensgruppe bis 1000 Mitarbeiter (CEO)
  • Geschäftsleitung Unternehmensgruppe bis 1000 Mitarbeiter (COO, CFO)
  • Bereichsleitung Konzernentwicklung
  • Bereichsleitung M&A
  • Bereichsleitung Marktkommunikation
  • Filialleitung
  • Branch management
  • Head of Finance and Accounting
  • Head of Controlling
  • IT management
  • Leitung Unternehmenskommunikation / PR
  • Production management
  • Leitung After Sales
  • Leitung Vertrieb Neuwagen
  • Leitung Vertrieb Gebrauchtwagen
  • Service line
  • Leitung Lager und Teiledienst
  • Projekt- und Bauleitung

Many positions were filled several times in different sectors.

Further reference projects are available on request.

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Sabrina Uruci


Phone: 0871-430 888-34
E-mail: s.uruci@senator-partners.de
Industry expertise: Construction/TGA/FM, automotive trade, health care

Sabrina Uruci is a consultant in our team in the competence centres Automotive Trade and Construction/TGA/FM.

After successfully completing her Master of Arts (M.A.) in German Language and Literature, it quickly became clear to her that working with people and their personal development would be the focus of her future career.

Having held various positions in several sales teams in different industries, she acquired extensive know-how in the direction of consulting and a deep understanding of human nature.

For them, the most important tool in today's labour market is efficient and strategic communication, because it paves the future way for target group-specific staffing and personal development opportunities.


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