André Butzlaff

André Butzlaff

André Butzlaff

Telefon: +49 151 15 330 921
Branchenkompetenzen: Erneuerbare Energien / Energiewirtschaft, Automobilhandel, Bau/TGA/FM

Funktionskompetenzen: Finance & Accounting, Marketing & Vertrieb
Spezialkompetenz: Eignungsdiagnostik & Management-Assessment



André Butzlaff ist selbständiger Partner bei Senator Executive Search Partners und in dieser Funktion Spezialist für Energiewirtschaft und erneuerbare Energien, Automobilhandel sowie Bau und Immobilien. Er studierte Betriebswirtschaft und unterstützt als Personalberater und Headhunter seit 29 Jahren erfolgreich zahlreiche Unternehmen bei der Personalsuche, Personalauswahl und Mitarbeitergewinnung.

Bei seiner Arbeit setzt er den Schwerpunkt auf absolutes Vertrauen und ethisch korrektes Verhalten. Ein enger Kontakt zu den potenziellen Kandidaten ist für ihn ebenso wichtig, wie eine sehr intensive Kundenbindung. Dieses Verhalten sichert den langfristigen Erfolg der beauftragten Stellenbesetzungen/Suchmandate.


Motto: „Die tatsächliche Existenz Ihres Unternehmens liegt nicht in der Fabrik, der Fassade des Geschäfts, den rationellen Produktionsmethoden oder der Ausstattung mit EDV, sondern in den Herzen und Hirnen seiner Mitarbeiter.“

(William A. Band)

Folgende Positionen hat Herr André Butzlaff zuletzt begleitet und im Rahmen von exklusiven Beratungsmandaten erfolgreich besetzt:

  • Geschäftsführung Unternehmensgruppe bis 1000 Mitarbeiter (CEO)
  • Geschäftsleitung Unternehmensgruppe bis 1000 Mitarbeiter (COO, CFO)
  • Bereichsleitung Konzernentwicklung
  • Bereichsleitung M&A
  • Bereichsleitung Marktkommunikation
  • Filialleitung
  • Branch management
  • Head of Finance and Accounting
  • Head of Controlling
  • IT management
  • Leitung Unternehmenskommunikation / PR
  • Production management
  • Leitung After Sales
  • Leitung Vertrieb Neuwagen
  • Leitung Vertrieb Gebrauchtwagen
  • Service line
  • Leitung Lager und Teiledienst
  • Projekt- und Bauleitung

Many positions were filled several times in different sectors.

Further reference projects are available on request.

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Dr Peter Buhl

Phone: +49 (0) 89 4141 9766
Special competence: Onboarding

Dr Peter Buhl is an expert in leadership development. He accompanies entrepreneurs, executives and management teams in success-critical change processes. He advises the company's internal personnel development in the design of qualification processes, designs and leads leadership programmes and accompanies executives, management teams and conflict parties through individual coaching.

Dr Buhl brings entrepreneurial experience as CFO of a start-up company and over 14 years of management experience - also at C-level - to his work. As a systemic coach and systemic organisational consultant, he can provide his clients with sound consulting expertise. As an economist with a broad range of management and industry experience on the one hand and as a psychotherapist (HPG) on the other, he can move confidently in the area of conflict between results-oriented and personality-centred leadership and show his clients individual success strategies appropriate to the situation.

At SENATOR, Dr Buhl accompanies the areas of onboarding and coaching. Especially during onboarding, when new managers are integrated into a company, the risks are very high: both sides usually enter the process with very high expectations. Accordingly, the pitfall is great if the reality does not live up to the expectation. A proven diagnostic tool makes it possible to identify the risk factors and eliminate them through targeted coaching. Often, coaching can even develop additional success factors that were not so much in focus during the recruitment process.

Petra Carl

Phone: +49 (0)170 861 65 04
Functional competence: Human Resources
Special competence: Labour law, HR process optimisation

Ms Petra Carl is a fully qualified lawyer specialising in labour law. She has been working in HR for 20 years and has learned her trade from the ground up. She has managed the HR department in various companies and has consistently developed it over the last few years in line with the challenges of the labour market. As a long-time HR manager in the fashion and lifestyle industry, she has profound knowledge of HR processes. Her expertise covers the entire employee life cycle.

The five focal points of their further development are employer branding, candidate journey, social media based active sourcing, direct approach and strategic talent relationship management.

At SENATOR, Petra Carl is in charge of HR process optimisation. She offers you for your HR department:

  • Tailor-made, forward-looking HR solutions
  • Support and accompany the transformation of your current human resources system into a 'state-of-the-art' one.
  • Development of 'HR 4.0' in particular with regard to its five focal points 

Diana Diewald


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Daniel Fertl

Daniel Fertl

Phone: +49 (0) 871 430 888 52
Sector expertise: Plant engineering, automotive & e-mobility, defense and aerospace
Functional expertise: Purchasing and procurement, supply chain management
Specialist expertise: aptitude diagnostics & management assessment


After his commercial training, he was able to learn the tools of the trade from the ground up in a large human resources consulting firm.

At Senator Executive Search Partners, Mr. Daniel Fertl is Head of Research at the Landshut office and specializes in the automotive and defence sectors.
In recent years, he has often taken on difficult and challenging positions in these sectors.
He is involved in the areas of applicant and project management, aptitude diagnostics and, of course, direct approach ("headhunting").

In order to continue to meet this high standard, highly qualified personnel must be recruited more than ever before.
The shortage of skilled workers will continue to increase in the coming years and competition for the best minds will become increasingly fierce.

In the staffing process, Mr. Fertl not only checks the professional match with the requirement profile, but also the extent to which the company and the future employee are a good human match.

In this context, he always mentions the quote from Richard Branson:
"Hiring the right people takes time, the right questions and a healthy dose of curiosity. What do you think is the most important factor when building your team? For us, it's personality."

Mr. Daniel Fertl has recently accompanied and successfully filled the following positions within the scope of exclusive consulting mandates:

  • Management aviation
  • Management vehicle construction
  • Plant management vehicle construction
  • Automotive production management
  • Site management
  • Commercial management
  • Purchasing management
  • Department management technology
  • Head of Quality Management
  • Head of Industrial Engineering
  • Team Leader Digitalization
  • Automotive personnel management
  • Sales management new and used cars
  • Service management automotive trade
  • Head of Marketing
  • Contract Lawyer Defense Engineering
  • Continuous Improvement Manager
  • Purchasing Manager
  • HR Business Partner
  • Plant controller
  • Sales Manager Europe Automotive
  • Area Sales Manager Automotive
  • Sales Manager Defence
  • Product Manager Weapon
  • Product Manager Optronics

Many positions were filled several times in different sectors.

Further reference projects are available on request.


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