Public service

New times require new solutions. The labour market has changed in many areas in recent years. The expectations of employers and employees are drifting further apart in some cases. But there are also many contrary movements. Now is a very good time for employers to position themselves for the future.

Public employers and service providers are also in competition for the best brains. Too often, important positions remain unfilled and colleagues have to help out. However, this situation cannot be sustained in the long run.

Despite many efforts and ideas, important positions in the civil service cannot be filled. Neither do they succeed in inspiring internal candidates, nor do they get applications from other departments, and it is difficult to find new staff from outside.

In this respect, it is only normal to seek support from specialists. Public employers are also taking the initiative and using future-oriented concepts to set the right course. The so-called "soft facts" are certainly to be assessed differently than with industrial employers. But knowing these "facts" helps us to find the right people and to inspire them for the new task.

The civil service has so much to offer. Since an administration is good when it functions "silently", it is often difficult to create the right image. But with the right tools and the use of all possible and unusual ways, it is possible to compete.

We are happy to provide you with competent support for sustainable and successful recruitment and staff retention. Years of experience in all matters of staffing - even difficult positions - pays off. The use of modern and certified aptitude diagnostic procedures supports us in the selection of personnel, the identification of people with the right "soft facts". Experience with the requirements and special features of the public service round off our offer to you.

We are happy to support you!

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