
High expectations are placed on newly appointed managers. On the one hand, they should quickly find their feet in the new environment and become effective, but on the other hand they often enough also have the task of setting new impulses and changing the leadership area.

The achievement of challenging corporate goals depends on the successful integration of these executives, increase in turnover, increase in EBIT, technical innovations are just a few examples.

There is a conflict in this situation that involves risks. On the one hand, the manager is supposed to fit in with the company and its culture, on the other hand, he or she is supposed to have a changing effect on precisely this culture. A dilemma that can lead to an early separation. That is expensive:

  • Lost time of design
  • Vacancy of the position
  • Irritation of the employees
  • Damage to the reputation of the selectors
  • Lack of the hoped-for effect
  • Direct and indirect costs of recruiting
  • Strengthening the forces of inertia

For the manager himself it is also an aggravating experience not to be able to grow into an organisation and to be "pushed away". This also puts a strain on the image of your company in the market.

To ensure the integration of new managers, we accompany this process in cooperation with the manager and your company:

  • We help the manager to get the "old" company out of his head and to open up mentally for your company.
  • We support your new manager in becoming aware of his or her own weaknesses and strengths and in carrying out a comparison with the requirements of the new task.
  • We are sparring partners for you as well as for your manager in working out the respective expectations, assessments and the dialogues necessary for follow-up.
  • We prepare the leader for special situations so that the performance goes well.
  • We help analyse cultural requirements and support the development of change concepts.
  • Through these measures, we ensure stable and rapid integration and thus help to ensure a high level of effectiveness in terms of the company's goals.

This procedure has a project character and is tailored to your company as well as to the new manager and the challenges of the respective situation.

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