Digital & Online Business

Digital strategies create new, often disruptive, business models. People are looking for extraordinary experiences and are increasingly finding them in the digital world. More and more market participants are recognising this trend and are asking themselves how they can continue to reach, inspire, motivate and retain their target group digitally in the future.

In the wake of these developments, new job profiles with diverse requirements have emerged. Today, marketing no longer only means the ability to understand and correctly address customers, but also increasingly requires an understanding of technology and IT, an affinity for numbers and controlling know-how, an in-depth understanding of different sales channels and analytically sound creativity in finding new ways to reach the end consumer. In addition, the efficiency and profitability of the measures must be secured in the long term.

Against this background, the demands on professionals and managers are enormous. It needs people who combine a clear vision with a high degree of reliability and creative will.

In our Digital & Online Business Competence Centre, we accompany you holistically in the search and selection of suitable candidates. We know your industry, often from our own management experience. We help you to set the right priorities in your company. Benefit from our network.

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