Defence & aerospace

Hardly any other sector embodies high technology, complexity and internationality as impressively as Defence and Aerospace. The challenges to be overcome here are reflected in the corresponding contracts, industrial constellations and political influences.

Making high technology product-ready requires special skills. No matter whether the technology is used under or on the water, on land, in the air, in space or in cyberspace. The success of the missions and often the lives of the users depend on the proverbial precision and reliability of the products.

The environment in which these products are developed, produced and maintained is characterised by great complexity. Making this complexity manageable through the most diverse professions is a core task of this area. Whether in development, product management, contract management, production or the lifelong support of products worldwide.

Not only in their own country, but across national borders and continents. A special feeling for languages and cultural peculiarities helps to live this internationality. The evaluation of the different forms of contracts and approaches in the different countries and cultures is a key to success.

Our Defence and Aerospace competence centre understands these requirements not only in the context of human resources. It is about a holistic approach to finding the right people for these challenging tasks. Because people make the difference. Embedded in processes, responsibilities, contractual challenges and budgetary and time pressures, it is not only qualifications that matter. It's the people with their hard and soft facts.

We find the right people for your company. Understanding the challenges of this industry, the processes, constraints and self-image are important. The hard facts of the requirements are often described very clearly. But the soft factors of the people are crucial in addition. The use of e.g. aptitude diagnostic measures helps us to find the right people for you. This way you can maintain and expand your competitive advantage - nationally and internationally. 

It's all about people.

Find your dream job now!


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